probation n. 1.检定,检验,验证,查验。 2.考验(期),见习(期);试用(期);预备期;〔美国〕(处罚学生的)试读期。 3.察看(以观后效)。 4.【法律】缓刑。 on probation 1. (作为)试用,作为见习。 2. 察看;【法律】缓刑。 place (an offender) on [under] probation 对(犯人)缓刑。
If the extension is approved , probation advice form should be completed and attached to the orientation checklist and three - month progress review and processed as in any other instance of disciplinary probation 假如延长期限被核可,试用通知表格应填写完成连同新进员工简介训练检查表及三个月绩效考核表,做为纪律案件的考量。
Disciplinary probation is a disciplinary status that can apply to students at a higher educational institution or to employees in the workplace. For employees, it can result from both poor performance at work or from misconduct.